Rating Record Structure
Below illustrates how variable data reaches Charges on the Subscription Item. This series of records allows a given Subscription Item to ingest only the most appropriate data points for generating Charges.
There are 4 main configurations in place to capture and calculate Charges for variable data:
Saved Search: The search that collects data from records (native or custom) for the Rate Plan Search Map.
Rate Plan Search Map: The Rate Plan Search Map will determine how to interpret search data. This record filters Saved Search data and identifies key data points such as Quantity, Usage Dates, Amounts, and Usage Type (Count of Consumption). Learn more here.
Rate Plan: The Rate Plan applies additional rating and pricing logic to variable data. It will determine how the Rate Plan Search Map is used with additional features such as Tier Achievement, Proration rules and Pricing Type Calculations. Learn more here.
Subscription Item: The Subscription Item evaluates usage data and applies rating logic supplied by the Rate Plan and Subscription Item fields, in order to calculate and create Charges.
Mapping the Rating Process
To build out the rating record structure follow the steps below:
Step 1. Create a Saved Search
- Go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > click New Saved Search
- Select any Native, Custom, ZAB Usage, Count Data, or Ad Hoc record > Give the Search a Title > check the box Public > under Results, Usage specific fields will populate for ZAB Usage/Count Data records
- If using Native or Custom records ensure there are columns representing Quantity, Date, Effective Date (for Count) and End Date (for Count)
- Take note of which column will represent the Quantity used for any pricing calculation (count the columns to identify the column number for Quantity)
Tip: To avoid having to manually count your columns, add custom labels to the Saved Search Column Fields, numbering and describing the field. e.g. 1. ID, 2. Script ID, 3. Date, etc.
Step 2. Create a Rate Plan Search Map
- Go to Setup > Zone Advanced Billing Maps/Definitions > Rate Plan Search Map > New
- Enter the Name
- Select the Saved Search you have created
- Specify whether this Rate Plan Search Map is being used for a Quantity and/or Tier Achievement Search.
- Note: If setting this Rate Plan Search Map as the Quantity Search on the Rate Plan, you must select Quantity. If setting this as the Tier Achievement Search on the Rate Plan, select Tier Achievement
- Select the Record Type you are using to store the Usage, Count, or Ad Hoc data, and whether the record contains Usage, Count, or Ad Hoc data.
- If Usage Data:
- Select the Date field on the Usage record that aligns with the Charge Period.
- If Count Data:
- Select the Effective/Start Date AND End Date fields on the Usage record that align with the Charge Period.
- If Ad Hoc:
- Select the Date, Subscription Item, and Charge fields to filter by on the Ad Hoc record
- If Usage Data:
- Select the column in your Search results which represents the Quantity.
- Optionally define additional fields that should map to the Charge records.
- Define the Filter Mapping to determine how the Search results should be “matched” to the Subscription Item.
Step 3. Create a Rate Plan
- Go to Setup > Zone Advanced Billing Setup
- Select Rate Plan > New
- Name the Rate Plan and select the Quantity Search it should reference
- If using a Tier Achievement Rate Plan, also select the relevant Tier Achievement Search
- Select the Pricing Type Calculation that should be used
- Note this is only relevant if using a Price Book
- The Rating Priority will default to 0. If this Rate Plan is dependent on another Rating process running first, set the Priority accordingly
- Optional fields include: Quantity Proration Type, Description Override, Use Usage Data Description, Do Not Create Charges, and Show Charges by Tier
Learn more about Rate Plans here.
Step 4. Add a Rate Plan to your Subscription Item
Rate Plans assist in Rating variable data. A Rate Plan is required when a Subscription Item is using one of the following Rate Types: Usage (Variable), Fixed (Recurring) & Usage (Variable), Prepaid Item Quantity, or Prepaid Subscription.
- Go to your Subscription Item
- Click Edit
- Select a Rate Type
- Select a Rate Plan
- Depending on the Rate Type selected, additional fields may be required. To learn more about configuration, visit the Rate Types guide.
- Save
- Once saved, generate charges for your usage by clicking the Rate Now button.