Consumption Usage represents the consumption of a service or product at a specific time. For example, the amount of water or electricity consumed on a given day.
The ZAB Usage Data record is available out-of-the box to capture consumption-based usage activity. At a minimum, records used to capture Consumption-based usage activity must supply a Quantity and Date to the Rate Plan Search Map. The Date determines how usage data aligns to charge periods.
For example, a Telecom Company charges customers for each text message sent. A customer sends 50 text messages between August 1st-31st. The next service period (September 1st-31st) 7 text messages are sent. The customer’s bill for September is significantly less because their bill is dependent on the consumption of the service (texts).
- Consumption-based usage data often represents a single date (moment in time) in which a given product or service was consumed.
- In some instances, usage data may represent a summary of consumption data in NetSuite, while full details are captured elsewhere. This reduces the number of records to be rated and number of line items displayed on the Transaction. In this case, the single date on the usage data represents the charge period that the usage data aligns to.
- Consumption-based usage data is evaluated for the single charge period it applies to (driven by the Usage Date Filter Field defined on the Rate Plan Search Map).
Use Case Examples
- A Telecom Company charges clients based on the number of text messages sent
- A Data Storage company charges customers based on the amount of data stored per month
Configuring a Rate Plan Search Map for Consumption Usage
To create the Rate Plan Search Map for Consumption Usage:
- Go to Setup > Zone Advanced Billing Maps/Definitions > Rate Plan Search Map > New
- Name the Rate Plan Search Map.
- Select the Search that will be providing Consumption-based Usage data.
- When building the Search, the Search Type should be ‘ZAB Usage Data’ or any other record representing Consumption usage.
- Select Quantity Search as the Available For Search Type
- Under Field Mapping, select the Search Map Type ‘Usage (Consumption)’
- Under Usage Record Date Filter Field, select the Date field on the Usage record that aligns with the charge period.
- Under Search Mapping ‘Quantity Column In Search Results’, specify which column in Search results represents Quantity (e.g. column 8 in search results provides these values).
- Optionally define additional fields that should map to the Charge records.
- Define the Filter Mapping to determine how the Search results should be “matched” to the Subscription Item.
- Save
Example of a Rate Plan Search Map configured for consumption-based usage activity. Search data and record types will determine how values and filters are set. Be mindful that configuration is unique to the use case and environment. In this example, quantity values are supplied by the 7th column of the linked Search and Usage data is filtered by Subscription Item to ensure activity is only applied to the Subscription Item that matches the one stamped on the Usage Data record.