What is Tier Achievement?
Tier Achievement allows you to evaluate multiple Quantities or Rates to calculate pricing for a Usage-based Subscription Item using a Price Book.
To successfully calculate pricing using Tier Achievement the following must be leveraged:
Tier Achievement Search
Tier Achievement Rate Plan Search Map
Price Book
Found on the Rate Plan, Tier Achievement Search is always used in conjunction with a Quantity Search, and returns a different Quantity or Rate than the Quantity Search. The Tier Achievement Search can be based on a different underlying data set - for example, additional Usage Data (i.e. from other Subscription Items on the same Subscription) or calculated Charges on another Subscription Item.
Key Characteristics
The Tier Achievement Search and Tier Achievement Rate Plan Search Map can be shared across Subscriptions and Customers
The Rate Plan must also have a Quantity Search in addition to the Tier Achievement Search
Any Saved Search in NetSuite can be used to supply data to the Tier Achievement Rate Plan Search Map
Similar to the Quantity Rate Plan Search Map, the Tier Achievement Rate Plan Search Map must, at a minimum, tell the system
Which Saved Search to use
That it can be used for a Tier Achievement Search
In which Search column to find key Date and Quantity fields
The Tier Achievement Search is run after the Quantity Search, so that results from the Quantity Search can be used in the Tier Achievement Search (if applicable)
The Tier Achievement Search evaluates the results of the Search against a Price Book to determine the Rate (Pricing Tier)
Before You Start
Review the basics of creating a Rate Plan, Rate Plan Search Map, and Rate Plan Quantity Search before configuring Tier Achievement
Configure the Tier Achievement Search before setting up the Tier Achievement Rate Plan Search Map
Expected Behavior
The Tier Achievement Search runs after the Quantity Search is processed
Rating with Tier Achievement
1. When the Subscription is rated, the Quantity Search runs and finds the following Quantities for each Subscription Item:
Subscription Item | Quantity (January) |
Location A | 400 |
Location B | 350 |
Location C | 175 |
2. The Tier Achievement Search then runs, and groups the Quantities for the three Subscription Items (because it is filtered by Subscription and all three are under the same Subscription).
3. The Tier Achievement Search finds a total Quantity of 925.
4. The Quantity of 925 is evaluated against the Price Book, which lands in the third Pricing Tier, which means each unit will be priced at $6.
5. Because the Pricing Type Calculation on the Rate Plan is set to Individual, each Subscription Item is evaluated based on its own Quantity * the Rate found from the Price Book (in this case $6/unit).