Renewal and Renewal Items provide a live forecast of the expected Renewal. Renewal records allow you to stage the desired Renewal before converting to a Renewal Estimate or new Subscription.
Renewals are automatically created and updated (approximately every 6 hours) to reflect any changes to current Subscription and Subscription Item records. Updates to Subscriptions and Subscription Item may be manually resynced through the Sync Renewal Items button.
Note: The Renewal is not an accurate reflection of which Renewal Items renew together. Additional settings on the Renewal Template will ultimately determine which Renewal Estimate Items renew together onto new/existing Subscriptions and Subscription Items.
Before you Begin
- Create a Renewal Template to specify the renewal term, actions upon renewal, and Items included in the Renewal
- Identify which Subscriptions and Subscription Items are eligible for renewal by assigning a Renewal Template to the Subscription and selecting a Renewal Item on the Subscription Item
- The Item Type selected for the Renewal Item must have the Subtype 'For Sale' or 'For Resale'. You will not be allowed to select an Item Subtype is 'For Purchase'
- The Renewal Template’s combination fields determine what Renewal Items land on the same Renewal. Visit the Renewals Overview guide and Renewal Template guide to learn more.
Key Characteristics
- Changes made to native ZAB fields (Rate, Quantity, Term, Charge Schedule, etc.) via the Subscription, Subscription Item, Rate Policy, or Renewal Template, will be captured on the Renewal. Changes to custom fields will not be captured.
- Renewals are not Estimates, they are an intermediary record intended to forecast what the Renewal will look like
- Multiple Renewal Estimates can be generated and stored under a Renewal
- If a Renewal’s associated Renewal Estimate has been converted to a new/updated Subscription and Subscription Item, you cannot add additional Renewal Items to the same Subscription. If new Items should be added or a new Renewal Estimate needs to be generated, you will need to create a new Renewal from the original Subscription.