‘Rating’ is the process of calculating Charges for a Subscription Item with a Variable component. A scripted process within ZoneBilling runs the operation to evaluate the quantity, rate, and/or amount and creates/updates Charge records.
The Rating Process is only applicable for Charges with a Variable Rate Type. Rating occurs before Transactions are created to ensure customers are invoiced for the correct amount.
Before you begin
- Rating is applicable for Charges with a Variable Rate Type, which includes the following:
- Usage (Variable)
Fixed (Recurring) & Usage (Variable)
- Note: applies to the Usage-portion only
- Prepaid Item Quantity
- Prepaid Subscription (Amount)
- A Subscription Item with a variable Rate Type and Rate Plan must be created before the Rating Process can be executed. Additionally, you should create Usage Data for the Subscription Item before Rating.
- There are a few options for kicking off the Rating Process, depending on the use case:
- Utilize the ‘Rate Now’ Button on the Subscription Item
- Utilize the ‘Rate Now’ Button on the Subscription
- Select records via the ‘Execute Rating’ Suitelet
- Define a dataset via a Saved Search and utilize ZAB Automated Processes to run the process immediately
- Define a dataset via a Saved Search and schedule Rating to run at specific intervals using ZAB Automated Processes
- Only Charges with a status of ‘Not Started’, ‘Partially Rated’, or ‘Pending Billing’ are included in the Rating Process.
- By default, the Rating Process evaluates all Charge Periods where the Charge Period Start Date OR the Charge Bill Date is on or before the current date.
- Note: This default behavior may be overridden if executing Rating via the Suitelet or ZAB Automated Processes only.
See Rating Record Structure to learn what records make up the Rating process.