Charge Fields
The Charge status defines its current stage in the billing process. In some cases, the Charge may be fully excluded from Billing when a certain criteria is met. During the life of the Charge, it may have one of the following statuses:
- Not Started: This status applies to usage-based Charges that have not been rated yet or the Charge is not ready to be billed according to the charge period.
- Partially Rated: This status applies to Charges when the Charge has been rated, but the charge period is not yet over. It is recommended to re-rate the Charge after the full charge period before billing to account for any additional usage.
- Pending Billing: This status applies to Charges when the charge period has been fully rated (applicable to usage-based Subscription Items) and is ready to be billed.
- Billed: This status applies to Charges that have been placed on a Transaction (Sales Order, Invoice, etc.) via the ‘Create Transactions’ process.
- Non-Billable: A Status that may be manually selected when a Charge should be excluded from Rating and/or Billing activities. This status also applies to the system-generated 'Ad Hoc' Charge.
- For Ad Hoc: This is a system generated placeholder Charge that allows for future Ad Hoc Charges to generate. Non-billable Charges will not appear on transactions and are not revenue impacting.
- Excluded - Zero Amount: This status applies to Charges that have a Charge Amount of Zero and therefore excluded from Billing. Learn more about excluding Zero Amount Charges from Billing.
- Exclude - Zero Quantity: This status applies to Charges that have a Quantity of Zero and therefore excluded from Billing. Learn more about excluding Zero Quantity Charges from Billing.
- Excluded- Other: A Status that may be manually selected when a Charge should be excluded from Billing.
Charge Type
The Charge Type field defines the behavior and calculation of the Charge. The system automatically sets this field based on the overall configuration of the Subscription Item, including the Rate Type, Included Units (if applicable), and usage type.
- Fixed: This Charge Type applies when the Charge is a fixed amount for a specified period.
- One-Time: This Charge Type applies when a single, non recurring Charge has been generated for the full Subscription Item term. This is also generated for prepaid scenarios.
- Usage: This Charge Type applies when Charges are generated from variable usage activity (count, consumption, or ad hoc).
Unit Adjustment: This Charge Type only applies to prepaid scenarios. A Charge is created to track unit provisioning and depletion. The Unit Adjustment represents the number of units included for a specific period or units used.
- Unit provisioning may vary depending on the Rate Type
- Offset: This Charge Type only applies to prepaid scenarios. A negative Charge is created to offset the cost of usage while prepaid units (Included Units or Amount) are available. Offsetting ‘would be billable’ charges depletes Usage against the Prepaid Units at the Prepaid Unit Rate.
- Overage: This Charge Type applies most often during prepaid scenarios when Included Units or Amounts have been fully depleted for the period and there’s an overage amount to be billed. Charges are billable because there’s no longer an offset to absorb the cost (Included Units or Amounts for the period to deplete from).
- Ad Hoc: This Charge Type only applies to the single placeholder Charge that is generated for Ad Hoc based Subscription Items.
Credit/ Rebill State
Only populated if a Charge has been processed through the Credit/Rebill Suitelet.
- Credited for Rebill: This indicates this Charge was billed on a Transaction, then the Credit/Rebill feature was used and this Charge was selected to credit and rebill. Once a Charge has received a Status of ‘Credited for Rebill,' it may not be resubmitted for processing a second time.
- Credit Offset: For each credited Charge, a ‘Credit Offset’ Charge is generated for the inverse Quantity and Amount of the original Charge.
- Credited: This indicates this Charge was billed on a Transaction, then the Credit/Rebill feature was used and this Charge was selected to credit and rebill. Once a Charge has received a Status of ‘Credited' it may not be resubmitted for processing a second time.
Consolidated Charge File
Only populated when Charge Consolidation is in use. Charges will be stamped with a Charge Consolidation file, which contains all of the underlying data (in JSON format) from the projected charges.
Push Future Count/Usage Charges to Next Bill
Only checked when the ‘Push Future Count/Usage Charges to Next Bill’ checkbox is checked under the Subscription Item’s Preferences subtab. This feature allows you to push new usage/count activity to the next bill date. The system determines the Charge’s eligibility by evaluating several Dates on the Charge.