Enhancements to Create Transactions Process
This enhancement optimizes the Create Transactions script to maximize processing time, enabling higher volumes of records to be successfully updated. No changes to the billing logic were introduced with this functionality.
New Preference for 'Plan Item Effective Date'
This enhancement provides the ability to define the ‘Default Start Date Behavior’ for Plan Items added via the ‘Add Plan Item(s)’ suitelet. Previously, the Effective Date defaulted to ‘Today' for all Plan Items added through the suitelet, causing potential confusion. Now, the ‘Default Start Date Behavior’ can be set to ‘Today’, ‘Subscription Start Date’, or null (which will set the Effective Date to ‘Today’ to maintain backwards compatibility).
New Feature: Managed Display
In a prior release, the infrastructure for the ‘Managed Display’ feature was introduced, allowing administrators to configure the visibility of fields on select records. This enhancement provides a robust suitelet where Administrators can easily create and maintain Display Configurations, Conditions, and Actions, and preview and test the Configurations before enabling them in the system.
As part of this module, a new Script Permission for ‘Managed Display Settings’ has been introduced, which provides access to the Managed Display Settings Suitelet. This allows users to view and manage Display Configurations to customize which fields should be hidden, disabled, or made mandatory when specified conditions are met.
This module streamlines core ZoneBilling record data and provides for smoother implementation or configuration changes. Power users and administrators now have the ability to design and preview the display of core records (currently Master Contracts, Subscriptions, and Subscription Items) from a single suitelet. Out-of-the-box settings tailor these records to hide or show fields for common use cases, simplifying the user’s path. On demand changes are easy and fast to evaluate, prepare, and implement as custom needs arise or business evolves.
Users with the ‘Managed Display Settings’ permission assigned do not need access to the Display Configuration, Display Condition, and/or Display Action record types themselves. However, when using ‘Preview Mode’, users must have access to the related record type, and any NetSuite permissions will be honored (i.e. users must have access to the Subsidiary on a record they are trying to view).
To access the Managed Display Settings Suitelet, use one of the following pathways:
- Go to any Master Contract, Subscription or Subscription Item record > click the ‘ZAB Managed Display’ link in the top-right corner.
Note: Only users with the ‘Managed Display Settings’ permission will see this link. - Go to the ZAB Preferences record > click ‘Managed Display Settings’ link
- Go to Setup > Zone Advanced Billing Setup > Managed Display Settings
The Managed Display Settings Suitelet displays a list of all Display Configurations. Use the arrows to drill into a specific Display Configuration to see the associated Conditions and Actions. Records with a lock icon are ‘ZAB Core’, out-of-the-box Managed Display records created by the ZoneBilling product, and cannot be edited (or inactivated).
From the suitelet, you can edit an existing Configuration or create a new Configuration for the Master Contract, Subscription, or Subscription Item record type.
- Display Configurations with a status of 'Saved' are active and apply for the related record type.
- As soon as a Configuration (or associated Conditions or Actions) is created or edited, the status is automatically updated to ‘Editing’. Any unsaved changes will be lost when leaving the suitelet.
- While editing, you can ‘Save Draft’ to stage the changes which have been made. This allows you to view those changes in Preview Mode. Drafts are not saved to the database; they are only available in the suitelet and visible in Preview Mode.
- The ‘Submit All Drafts’ button will submit all changes on Display Configurations with a status of ‘Draft’ to NetSuite, as well as update the status to ‘Saved’.
- ‘Discard All Drafts’ will reset all Display Configurations with a status of ‘Draft’ to their last ‘Saved’ version. This will revert any unsubmitted changes and delete any in-progress Configurations that have not been submitted.
It is highly recommended to use Preview Mode any time changes are made to a Display Configuration, Condition, or Action to ensure that the changes produce desired results.
After saving the draft, use the Filters to select a Record Type and Context, which tells the system what ‘preview’ to render. Then click ‘Enter Preview Mode’.
- Preview Mode allows you to view all active saved and draft Display Configurations for a selected record type. This allows you to ensure no conflicting or unexpected behavior exists across Configurations.
- The preview pane displays a staged version of the record, not the record itself. Any changes made to the record (i.e. inputting or changing field values) are not saved in NetSuite. Any buttons (i.e. ‘Edit’, ‘Rate Now’) and links are not active and will not redirect to another record.
- If the context is create, a blank form of the record is displayed in create mode.
- If the context is copy, edit, or view, a randomized record of the selected record type is displayed in the specified context. You may optionally input a specific record ID to preview that record. In Preview Mode, test inputting values to meet the Condition to see the Action(s) execute in real-time on the page.
See ZoneBilling documentation for further detail.
Display Foreign Currency Amount on Credit/Rebill Suitelet
Previously, the Credit/Rebill suitelet displayed Transaction totals and Transaction Line amounts in the Subsidiary’s base currency, regardless of the originating Subscription/Charge Currency. This change ensures that if Multiple Currencies is enabled in the account, the Credit/Rebill Suitelet will display the ‘Amount (Foreign Currency)' rather than ‘Amount’. This is a change to the search results as displayed on the suitelet only; the resulting Charges were already correctly calculated in the originating currency.
Enhancement to Subscription Item 'Termination' Error Message
This enhancement provides a more robust error message if a user attempts to terminate a Subscription Item and sets the ‘Termination As-Of Date' to a date after the target Subscription Item’s original End Date.