Managed Display is a customizable user interface management module included in the ZoneBilling bundle. When enabled, administrators can view and update Display Configurations through the Managed Display Settings Suitelet to manage the display and behavior of record elements for select record types, which currently include: Master Contracts, Subscriptions, Subscription Items, and Rate Plan Search Maps.
This module streamlines core ZoneBilling record data and provides for smoother implementation or configuration changes. Power users and administrators now have the ability to design and preview the display of core records (currently Master Contracts, Subscriptions, Subscription Items, and Rate Plan Search Maps) from a single suitelet. Out-of-the-box settings tailor these records to hide or show fields for common use cases, simplifying the user’s path. On demand changes are easy and faster to evaluate, prepare, and implement as custom needs arise or business evolves.
Display Configurations are a collection of Display Conditions, or rules to evaluate, and Display Actions, which define if fields should be hidden, disabled, or made mandatory when those Conditions are met.
Before You Begin
- All accounts where ZoneBilling is installed on or after version 2023.01.19.1 will have Managed Display enabled by default.
- Existing accounts with ZoneBilling installed (prior to the 2023.01.19.1 version) have Managed Display disabled by default.
- Subsequent ZoneBilling updates will respect the Managed Display preference set prior to the update.
- Due to its potential impact when hiding fields, always enable and test Managed Display in Sandbox before enabling in Production.
Initial Setup
Before using Managed Display, complete the following setup:
- Enable Managed Display on ZAB Preferences
- Define Permissions for users to view and manage Display Configurations through the Managed Display Suitelet
Configuring Preferences
All accounts where ZoneBilling is installed on or after version 2023.01.19.1 will have the Managed Display feature enabled by default. Managed Display may be manually enabled or disabled at any time under the ZAB Preferences record.
To enable Managed Display:
- Go to Setup > Zone Advanced Billing Setup > Preferences > select the ZAB Preferences record > check the checkbox ‘Enable Managed Display’ > Save
- Once enabled, click the ‘Managed Display Settings’ link to open the Managed Display Suitelet to view and manage configurations
‘Managed Display Settings’ Permissions
The ‘Managed Display Settings’ Script Permission provides access to the Managed Display Settings Suitelet. This allows users to view and manage Display Configurations to customize which fields should be hidden, disabled, or made mandatory when specified conditions are met.
To provide access:
- Go to Setup > Zone Advanced Billing Setup > Permissions
- Use the ‘Managed Display Settings’ permission to provision access
Note: Users with the ‘Managed Display Settings’ permission assigned do not need access to the Display Configuration, Display Condition, and/or Display Action record types themselves. However, when using ‘Preview Mode’, users must have access to the related record type, and any NetSuite permissions will be honored (i.e. users must have access to the Subsidiary on a record they are trying to view).