Q: What Rate Types can I use a Price Book with?
A: Currently Price Books are supported by all Rate Types that involve Usage (Variable) Charges.
Q: Does the first Price Book Tier need to have a lower limit of zero?
A: No, the pricing calculation will work correctly even if the lower limit is not set to zero for the first tier. A lower limit of zero will automatically be inserted to account for potential gaps.
Q: How do I show or hide the blended rate generated by Marginal pricing?
A: To hide an aggregated rate generated by marginal pricing under Charges, navigate to the Rate Plan used on the Subscription Item. On the Rate Plan, check the ‘Show Charges by Tier’ checkbox to hide the blended rate. Multiple charges will be created to show the quantity per tier with the per tier rate.
To show the blended rate, uncheck the ‘Show Charges by Tier’ checkbox on the Rate Plan. One charge will be created for that charge period displaying the blended rate.
Q: Why doesn’t the Rate populate for Usage Charges that are using a Price Book?
A: One possible consideration is to review the Pricing Hierarchy, and ensure that a more specific Pricing Option is not being applied to the Usage. Contract Pricing, an Overage/Usage Rate on the Subscription Item, or a Rate mapped through the Rate Plan Search Map will override any pricing defined in the Price Book. See the Pricing Options page for more information.
There are many factors to consider here, but if you’ve exhausted all resources, one final setting to check is the currency designated on the Subscription. Price Books can support multiple currencies, and because this field is required, it’s essential that the currency is also set on the Subscription and that the currency matches a Price Book Tier. Otherwise, the Rate will not populate.
To fix the issue:
- Confirm the currency selected in your Price Book
- Go to your Subscription > click Preferences tab, ensure the Currency drop down is populated with the same currency listed on your Price Book Tier
Q: How do Included Units work with a Price Book?
Note: This answer assumes that the Rate Plan is not using Tier Achievement.
If the Rate Plan uses Tier Achievement, Included Units will work differently. See the Tier Achievement article for more information.
Included Units are subtracted from the usage before the total usage quantity is evaluated against the Price Book. For example, if you have a Subscription Item with 100 Included Units, and the January usage is a quantity of 150, the quantity evaluated against the Price Book will be 50.
If the Rate Plan Pricing Type Calculation is Sorted, the Included Units will be applied to the Usage that is sorted and rated first, then continue to be applied to the next Usage if additional Included Units remain.
- For example, you have a Subscription Item with 100 Included Units, and are using a Sorted Pricing Type Calculation and the Search is sorted by Usage Date. Two Usage records exist for January: one on January 10th with a Quantity of 80 and one on January 20th with a Quantity of 100. The January 10th Usage will be evaluated first, and will consume 80 of the 150 Included Units. The Rate for this Usage will be $0 because 0 Quantity will be evaluated against the Price Book. The January 20th Usage will consume the remaining 20 Included Units, and will have 80 remaining Quantity. The remaining 80 Quantity will be evaluated against the Price Book to determine the Rate.