A ZAB Process record is created each time the Automation record is submitted. Each Process record displays the status - i.e. is it Not Started, In Progress, Complete, or Failed - as well as the Data File that was submitted for processing, and if complete, the Response File showing successes or failures.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Automation | Select | This is the source ZAB Automation Record that triggered this particular ZAB Process. |
Process | Select | The process that needs to run on this population. |
Context | Select |
This is the context in which this ZAB Process Record was created for processing.
Status | Select |
This is the overall status of the process:
Quantity to Process | Number |
The quantity of records to be processed, this isn’t always indicative of the record count in the population search, but of the target population size. (Eg. Create Transactions could be run on 10 Subscriptions, but the quantity would be either 0, since there are no transactions to be created because they were already created. Or potentially 120, because we have an entire years worth of monthly transactions to create for these 10 subscriptions) |
Quantity Processed | Number | The quantity of the target population size that has completed processing. |
Error Count | Number | If there are any errors in the target population size, this number is summed here. |
Percent Complete | Percentage | See below for this description. |
Prior Process | Select | A ZAB Process that precedes this process in an automation processing chain. |
Next Process | Select | A ZAB Process that supersedes this process in an automation processing chain. |
Root Process | Select | The initial (first) ZAB Process record within a chain of ZAB Processes. This is either the first ZAB Process in a multi-process automation, or the first ZAB Process of the first ZAB Automation in multi-automation ZAB API request. |
Date File | File |
The source population information, determined by the automation settings, the selected population by a user within a Suitelet, or by the successes of a preceding ZAB Process record. |
Response File | File | The combined response information of all the processing that just occurred. |
User | Select | The user that triggered this process via either the process Suitelet, the Manual ‘Run Now’ button on a ZAB Automation record, or via the ZAB API. |
Percent Complete
The Percent Complete field on the ZAB Process Record provides a high-level estimate of how much of a given ZAB Process (e.g. Create Transactions, Execute Rating, Create or Convert Renewal Estimates) has been completed.
The Percent Complete field is not a real-time progress indicator and cannot dynamically retrieve an exact percent complete of the scripts in the same manner as NetSuite’s CSV Import tool. Instead, ZAB intermittently checks the progress of the script and calculates an estimated completion percentage accordingly.
The ZAB Process System Notes subtab also offers progress-related information, such as changes in the Response File or incremental percent complete updates. To review the data that was processed, use the ‘View Results’ button which appears on the Process record once completed, review the Response Data File, or create a Saved Search.
- For example, a Subscription Item has a number of unbilled charges. Rating is run on the Subscription Item through an automation. Create a ZAB Charge Search filtered to Charge Type = Usage and that Subscription Item, and set the Results to display the ‘Last Rating Timestamp’ to view updates.
Note: Percent complete is not a real-time indicator of the percentage of records successfully processed (updates are not contingent on the completion of each executed ZAB Process) due to potential performance impacts and unpredictability between NetSuite’s synchronous and asynchronous map/reduce processes.
ZAB Automation Process Order
Each ZAB Automation Type record has a ZAB Automation Process Order record which defines when the process should run to manage the execution of that Automation. Note that this record is not accessible via the user interface but comes pre-configured out-of-the-box.
If the automation process selected is a singular process, such as Execute Rating, the ZAB Automation Process Order is 1. If the Automation Type involves multiple processes, such as Execute Rating, Create Transactions, the Automation Process Order determines that Execute Rating should run first and then Create Transactions.
When the Automation record is run, a ZAB Process Record is created for each process and they are chained together. The subsequent processes are put into a pending state, and the preceding process will trigger the next process upon completion. The initial (or only) ZAB Process record initially has a pending status, then is set to a Not Started status once subsequent processes are created and chained together.