The Minimum Charge Item field allows you to override the default item set on the Subscription Item or on the native NetSuite Item record. This allows you to charge a different item for the minimum charges generated for the usage portion of your Subscription Item.
- If a value is entered on the Minimum Charge Item field (optional), it will be used in conjunction with the Minimum Charge fields on the Subscription Item.
- If this field is left blank but a Minimum Charge is set on the Subscription Item, the charge record (for the Minimum Charge) will contain the Item value set under the Default Minimum Charge Item (if any) from the source Charge Item.
- If both are null: Default Minimum Charge Item on the Native Item Record and Minimum Charge Item, then the Minimum Charge will use the same Item as the source Charge Item.
How the Minimum Charge Item is Derived:
- The Item set on the "Minimum Charge Item" (on the Subscription Item's Charge Item Map tab) will be used as an override to any other values.
- The Item set on the "Default Minimum Charge Item" field on the NetSuite native Item record for the source Item for this Charge (under the ZAB Settings tab) will be used in the absence of #1.
- The same Item as the source Charge Item (which is either set on the Subscription Item or from the Usage table if the Item is being supplied there) will be used in the absence of both #1 and #2.
Note that the Minimum Charge field on the Subscription Item only applies to the usage portion of a Subscription Item. This means that the Minimum Charge Item is only exposed on the Charge Table when usage has not met the minimum amount set on the Minimum Charge field.
1. Fixed Recurring & Variable Usage subscription with a $1000 minimum
2. Post-Rating outcome
This example highlights the following:
- The charges highlighted in red show the Minimum Charge Item applied because the usage for the period did not meet the Minimum Charge of $1000
- The charges highlighted in green show that the usage portion exceeded the $1000 Minimum Charge; therefore no Minimum Item Charge Item was applied
- This example illustrates that the Minimum Item Charge only applies when the Minimum Charge is applicable. If usage exceeds the Minimum Charge set on the Subscription Item, the Minimum Item Charge will not display at all.
Apply Min Charge Item to All
When this option is checked, the Minimum Charge Item selected in the Charge Item Map will apply to all Charges for a period that does not meet the Minimum amount threshold. If the threshold is met for a period, no charges will leverage the Minimum Charge Item. If left unchecked, the Minimum Charge Item will only be used on the Charge representing the gap to Minimum.
Minimum Charge Description
This value initially sources from the "Default Minimum Charge Description" set on the Item record, if one is populated. You can set different text on this Subscription Item if you want to use something other than the default. The text will be used as the Description on the individual Minimum Charge(s) created from this Subscription Item. This field supports Handlebars if you want to dynamically add text about the specific sale.
NOTE: The default value comes from the Item record for this Subscription Item, not the Minimum Charge Item record set on this tab.