Each ZAB Process (e.g. Execute Rating, Create Transactions, Create Renewal Estimates) now has a set of ZAB Automation Properties that may be associated with that Process to further define inputs or criteria that should be factored into the process.
The Process selected will determine which Properties are available. For more information on each Property, continue to the next page.
Execute Rating
- Rate Through Date
Create Transactions
- Override Date
- Bill Date To
- Bill Date From
Note: Only one version of each Property should be created for a given ZAB Automation. If multiple records are created for the same Property (i.e. Rate Through Date) for the same Automation, and neither is marked Inactive, the most recent record will be used for processing. All other duplicate Properties will be ignored.
If no property value should be determined for this Automation, then the property should be inactivated or deleted, as a property with a null value in this field will default to the current date (at runtime).
If no Date value is selected, the Automation Property should be inactivated (by selecting the Inactive checkbox) or deleted. An Automation Property with no Date values selected will default to the current date (at runtime).
Selecting Date Values
The Specific Date, Relative Date, and Relative Frequency and Relative Interval may be used individually or in any combination with each other.
Specific Date
This may be any past or future specific date (i.e. 12/31/2020) to be used as the Property value at runtime.
If no Specific Date is set, then the current date (at Process runtime) is used by default.
If the Specific Date is set to 12/31/2020, that will be used as the Property Date regardless of if that date is in the past or the future.
Relative Date
This option will dynamically determine a date that is based off of the Specific Date. In this way, the Specific Date (or ‘today’) plus the Relative Date information results in the date to be used as the Property value at runtime.
- If Specific Date is null, the current date (at runtime) is used by default as a starting point, and the Relative Date is calculated off of that date.
- If a Relative Frequency and Relative Interval are also set, they will increment off of this dynamically determined Relative Date.
If "First Day of Month" is selected with a Specific Date of January 20th, 2021, the system will dynamically determine the next first of the month after the Specific Date - February 1, 2021.
Relative Frequency and Relative Interval
Relative Frequency and Relative Interval are used in tandem to determine a dynamic increment from the Specific Date and/or the Relative Date.
- If Specific Date is null, the current date (at runtime) is used by default.
- If a Relative Date is set, then the Interval and Frequency will increment off the Relative Date.
- If Relative Frequency and Relative Interval are also set, they will increment off of this dynamically determined Relative Date.
If a Relative Frequency of "1" and Relative Interval of "Weeks" is selected with a Specific Date of January 20, 2021, the resulting date value will be one week after the Specific Date - January 27, 2021.
If a Relative Frequency of "1" and Relative Interval of "Weeks" is selected with a Specific Date of January 20, 2021, and a Relative Date of “First Day of Month", the system will first dynamically determine the next first of the month - February 1, 2021 - and then add a week to that date, resulting in February 8, 2021.
Note: ZAB Automated Properties currently do not support Specific Values. This field supports future expansion of the Automated Properties feature.