The Renewed Subscription Group feature allows you to group Renewal Estimate Items by shared fields (‘Class’, ‘Location’, ‘Created from Subscription’, etc). During Renewal Estimate conversion, Renewal Estimate Items will be split or grouped onto different Subscriptions per the template selected.
A single Renewal Estimate may have multiple Renewal Estimate Items listed. For example, if the Renewal Template is configured to combine Renewal Items that share the same Customer, the Renewal Estimate may capture multiple Renewal Items across many different Subscriptions.
In cases where those Renewal Estimate Items should not be placed onto the same Subscription, the Renewed Subscription Group allows you to regroup Renewal Estimate Items by shared characteristics, thus splitting and/or grouping Renewal Estimate per the defined fields.
Example: Renewal Outcome before and after applying Renewed Subscription Group Groupings
1. A Customer has three Subscriptions, each with one Subscription Item attached. All Subscription Items have the same Start Date (and thus same Renewal Date):
2. On the Renewal Template, “Customer” is selected from the “Attach Renewal Items To The Same Renewal When They Come From” field. When selected, Renewal Items across multiple Subscriptions may be placed on the same Renewal record (if they share the same Customer and Start Date):
3. All three Subscription Items, sourced across multiple Subscriptions, are placed on a single Renewal record:
4. A Renewal Estimate is generated with all three Renewal Estimate Items listed:
5. If a Grouping is not applied, all Renewal Items will be placed on a single Subscription. In this example, all three Subscription Items renew under a single Subscription:
If the Renewal Template grouping 'Created From Subscription(s)' had been applied before converting the Renewal Estimate, the Renewal Estimate Items would have recreated the previous Contract (3 Subscriptions, each with 1 Subscription Item) Subscription Name will inherit the name of the last Subscription Item created in the Renewal.
After Renewal Template Grouping is applied:
1. Three Subscriptions, each with one Subscription Item attached. All Subscription Items have the same Start Date:
2. Renewal Template is set to Attach Renewal Items To The Same Renewal When They Come From the same Customer with the Subscription Group grouping ‘Created From Subscription(s)':
3. All three Renewal Items land on the same Renewal:
4. All three Renewal Item Estimates are presented on the same Renewal Estimate
5. Outcome: Post-conversion, three Subscriptions, each with one Subscription Item, are created: