Combination Options allow you to further specify which Subscription Items renew together. The default ‘Attach Renewal Items to the Same Renewal When They Come From’ allows you to specify Renewal Items be placed on the same ZAB Renewal Record when the Subscription Item comes from the same Customer or Subscription.
However, in some cases there’s a need for more specificity. The Combination Fields Option allows you to group or separate Items onto a new Renewal record based on any field on the Subscription Item, such as “Location” or “Class.”
Note: Combination Options assume the Renewal Items share a Start Date or fall within a Renewal range that enables them to renew together.
- Combination Fields can also be used to separate Renewal Items from certain Renewal Records.
A Customer has one Subscription and three Subscription Items, each using a different Charge Schedule. All three Subscription Items renew at the same time (same Start Dates), but the customer wants each Renewal Item placed on an individual Renewal record. The Renewal Template Combination Fields are used to separate Renewal Items by Charge Schedule. Because each Subscription Item has a different Charge Schedule, the combination field places each Renewal Item on a separate Renewal record.
Three Subscription Items on the same Subscription. Each Subscription Item uses a different Charge Schedule.
Combination Fields added to the Renewal Template: Charge Schedule.
Outcome: All three Renewal Items are placed on their own Renewal Record because of the additional criteria: