View Existing Display Configurations
The Managed Display Settings Suitelet displays a list of all Display Configurations. All active Display Configurations in the account are displayed by default; additional filters may be used to refine which results are displayed in the list.
- Optionally use the Filters to only show Display Configurations applying to a single record type, context, and/or display inactive records.
Note: A record type and context must be selected before using Preview Mode.
- Use the arrows to drill into a specific Display Configuration to see the associated Conditions and Actions.
- Records with a lock icon are ‘ZAB Core’, out-of-the-box Managed Display records created by the ZoneBilling product, and cannot be edited (or inactivated).
Create a New Display Configuration
- Click ‘Create New Draft’, then select the record type the Display Configuration to which it will be applied
- Next, enter the following:
- Name: Enter a Name for the Display Configuration
- Contexts: Determine in what context(s) the Display Configuration should be applied.
- Priority: Display Configurations will execute in ascending order for the record type. By default, all ‘ZAB Core’ Display Configurations have a Priority of ‘1’ and will execute first.
- While editing the Display Configuration, the Status will automatically update to ‘Editing’.
- Next, assign Conditions and Actions.
- If a Display Configuration is submitted with no Conditions, all Actions will be executed every time the Display Configuration is applied.
Edit an Existing Display Configuration
- Click the ‘Edit’ button next to a Display Configuration.
- If the Display Configuration is ‘ZAB Core’ (indicated by a lock icon), the Display Configuration ‘header’ information (i.e. name, context, priority) cannot be changed.
- Any ‘ZAB Core’ Conditions and Actions cannot be edited.
- If any custom Conditions or Actions have been added to the Configuration, those may be edited, or additional Conditions or Actions added.
- If a custom Display Configuration is edited, header information can be changed, and any Conditions or Actions removed.
Delete an Existing Display Configuration
- If a Display Configuration is deleted, the links to any associated Conditions and Actions are deleted.
- The Conditions and Actions themselves are not deleted, as they may be also related to another Display Configuration. See Architecture Overview.
Inactivate or Reactivate a Display Configuration
- Custom Display Configurations may be inactivated via the ‘Manage Configuration’ button on the bottom left, select ‘Inactivate,’ then click Save Draft and Submit.
- It is highly recommended to inactivate a Display Configuration, then preview the record type with the Configuration inactive, before using the ‘Manage Configuration’ button to delete the Configuration.
- After a Display Configuration is inactivated, the ‘Show Inactives’ filter will automatically be set to True.
- To activate an inactive Display Configuration, use the Filter to ‘Show Inactives’ then select a Display Configuration to activate via the ‘Manage Configuration’ button on the bottom left, select ‘Activate’ then click Save Draft and Submit.
Creating or Editing Conditions
Any ‘ZAB Core’ (indicated by a lock icon) Conditions cannot be edited or removed from the Configuration.
Editing an existing Condition will not change the underlying Condition, as it may be also used on another Display Configuration, but will create a new Condition with the new properties.
If multiple Conditions are related to a Display Configuration, all Conditions must be met for the rule to execute.
If a Display Configuration is submitted with no Conditions, all Actions will be executed every time the Display Configuration is applied.
- Create or edit a Display Configuration and review the Conditions that already exist.
- Additional Conditions can be added by clicking the ‘Add New Condition’ button. On each Condition:
- Select the Element to indicate which field on the record will be evaluated. Only fields on the selected record type are displayed.
- Under Operator, select the operator used to evaluate the selected Element and Element values.
- For example, if the Element is a field with an integer (e.g. Total Value), you may choose the Operator ‘Greater Than’ or ‘Equal To’
- Under Values, specify the Element value(s) the condition should evaluate for the action(s) to be performed.
- This field is required unless the Operator selected is ‘isempty’ or ‘isnotempty’. Only ‘Values’ with a data type matching the selected Element’s data type may be entered.
- For example, if the Element has a data type of ‘integer’, you will be prevented from entering text in the ‘Values’ box. If the data type is ‘date’, use the date selector or input a date value.
- Use the ‘Show Field IDs’ toggle to show the field ID and data type of the selected Element.
- When finished adding or editing Conditions, it is recommended to ‘Save Draft’, to not lose your progress and enable the use of Preview Mode to review changes.
Remove Conditions from a Configuration
- Existing Conditions may be edited and changed or removed from the Configuration.
- Removing a Condition removes it from this Display Configuration; it does not delete the Condition, because it may be used on another Display Configuration.
Creating or Editing Actions
Any ‘ZAB Core’ (indicated by a lock icon) Actions cannot be edited or removed from the Configuration.
Editing an existing Action will not change the underlying Action, as it may be also used on another Display Configuration, but will create a new Action with the new properties.
When all Conditions on a Display Configuration are met, all Actions will execute.
- Create or edit a Display Configuration and review the Actions that already exist.
- Additional Actions can be added by clicking the ‘Add New Action button. On each Action:
- Select the Element to indicate on which field or ZAB button the action will be performed. Only fields and ZAB buttons on the selected record type are displayed.
- ‘ZAB buttons’ are custom buttons created by the ZoneBilling bundle including the ‘Rate Now’ or ‘Create Transactions’ buttons.
- Custom buttons not created by ZoneBilling cannot be manipulated by Managed Display.
- Use the ‘Show Field IDs’ toggle to show the field ID and data type of the selected Element.
- Under Action Type, select what should happen to the field when the Action executes. If the selected Element is a button, only the ‘Hide’ Action Type is available.
- ‘Disable’ will render the field disabled.
- ‘Hide’ will remove the field or button from the page.
- ‘Display’ can override a field that has been hidden by another Action.
- If the Action Type is ‘Display’, optionally select Make Field Mandatory to make this field required when this Action is executed.
- Select the Element to indicate on which field or ZAB button the action will be performed. Only fields and ZAB buttons on the selected record type are displayed.
- When finished adding or editing Actions, it is recommended to ‘Save Draft’, to not lose your progress and enable the use of Preview Mode to review changes.
Remove Actions from a Configuration
- Existing Actions may be edited and changed or removed from the Configuration.
- Removing an Action removes it from this Display Configuration; it does not delete the Action, because it may be used on another Display Configuration.