The key to a strong Revenue Configuration is designing and testing it through all Subscription scenarios as they would be as new business as well as when they are modified. Modifications could be the result of changes to the items purchased or data integrity issues. Configuration should support the business data expectations and operational flow.
Example questions to consider:
- What is the revenue expectation when the Subscription is New?
- What is the revenue expectation when any modification comes through?
- Will all attributes needed on a Revenue Element be available when the Subscription is created?
- Will some values need to be add or updated at a later time?
- e.g., project information, provisioning date, etc
- Does the delay of data require a delay in creating revenue records or can they be updated later?
New Business vs Contract Modifications
Most businesses have requirements specific to contract modification scenarios (upsells, change orders, cancellations, etc) that need to be considered during the development and testing of the Revenue Configuration.
Follow the guidelines below to ensure robust testing.
Test each use case as it would be when it's "new".
Test each of those use cases with their potential modifications.
- Does the modification need to update existing Detail(s) / Element(s)?
- Does the modification need to create new Revenue Detail(s)/Element(s) but on the same Revenue Arrangement?
- Does the modification need to create new Revenue Detail(s)/Element(s) and a new Revenue Arrangement?
Create vs Update
It is common for some data to be added or updated in some situations, so it is important to identify and test with data that is expected to be present when creating Revenue Elements. Only some fields will be available to update after that.
Inevitably, there will be times when source data changes. This can be due to natural operational flow, data errors, etc. It's good practice to identify and plan resolutions for any areas of data integrity weakness within the business processes.
Any Revenue Management Detail Mappings you have for mapping data from the Revenue Detail to the Revenue Element will only be set during the creation of the Revenue Element.
Only these native Element fields can be updated on an existing Element.
- Quantity
- Amount
- Discounted Sales Amount
- Start Date
- End Date
See this article for more information regarding data flow between the Revenue Detail and Revenue Element.
Review the Scenario Examples of "Group" Field Map Changes article to see the expected behavior when changes occur at different points in time relative to native ARM records.