The Revenue Configuration Field Maps are child records of a Revenue Configuration that determine how ZAB Charges will be summarized into Revenue Details. Revenue Details are the staging records for Revenue Elements.
Field mappings should only be added where necessary to avoid unnecessary redundancies and errors that could impact results or processing times.
Follow the tips below to ensure a clean and effective configuration is used. These steps are not required, but highly recommended.
Create a Saved Search
The best way to visualize the results of your Field Maps ahead of testing is to create a ZAB Charge saved search.
- On Results > Columns add the default Revenue Configuration summaries/mappings
Field Name / Summary Type
- Service Start Date / Minimum
- Service End Date / Maximum
- Quantity / Sum
- Gross Amount / Sum
- Amount / Sum
Remember: These happen automatically with any field maps and do not need to be added to the Revenue Configuration.
Field Name / Summary Type
- Next, add each Field Map in the Revenue Configuration as a column with the same Summary.
Since Revenue Details will always be associated with one Subscription, it's a good idea to add Subscription as a column and filter, too.
- On Available Filters > Filter add Subscription.
- Save and run the search.
Use this search to preview and/or test variations of Charge summaries to determine the correct field maps needed. The Charges should ultimately be grouped and summarized in the way the Revenue Element should be created.
Be sure to test and review the results across all ZAB Subscription scenarios, including new business and contract modifications.
Add a Custom Sublist
To take the Saved Search one step further, it can also be added as custom sublist to the Subscription. This allows a quick preview of the results at the Subscription level.
Check for Redundancies
For efficient processing, avoid redundancies. Do not add mappings that aren't necessary.
Consider the default summaries that will already exist when there is at least one Revenue Configuration Field Map added to a Revenue Configuration.
Below is an example of evaluating if a redundancy exists.
- Consider grouped Field Maps.
- This Revenue Configuration has four field maps with a Summary Type = Group.
If any one of those were removed, would it yield the same results?
- For example, if the client had "Department" defaulted on all Subscriptions to "Sales", the value would always be the same for all Charges. The result of the Charge summary would not be impacted by that Field Map, rendering it unnecessary.
- To consider if any grouped Field Map is necessary or not, use the saved search to add or remove results to evaluate this across all business use cases.
- This Revenue Configuration has four field maps with a Summary Type = Group.
- Consider default Field Maps - Are any of the Field Maps the same as a Default?
- Recall that these are default mappings and do not need to be repeated:
- Service Start Date (Minimum)
- Service End Date (Maximum)
- Quantity (Sum)
- Amount (Sum)
- Discounted Sales Amount (Sum)
- In our example above, the Service Start and End Date match the defaults, making them redundant.
- Recall that these are default mappings and do not need to be repeated:
Only add/keep the Field Maps that impact the summarized results.
"Department" in this example was deemed redundant. It may not be in your use case. This was simply to demonstrate the consideration and removal of any identified redundancies.
Data Mapping
Field Maps are often added to the Revenue Configuration for the purpose of passing data to the Revenue Detail so it can subsequently be mapped to the Revenue Element. If the Field Map does not impact the summarized results as described in the Check for Redundancies consider creating a custom field on the Revenue Detail to source in the data instead.