Subscription-Level Preferences
The following shipping and billing preferences can be found under the Subscription Preferences subtab.
Note: You can also specify shipping addresses at the Subscription Item level if you need to be more specific as opposed to applying a single method for the entire Subscription.
Ship To Address - Alternate Entity
Using the Ship To Address - Alternate Entity field allows the Customer on the Transaction to remain the Customer listed on the Subscription Item, but select a Shipping Address from a different Entity.
A common use case is if the Shipping Address on the Subscription should be a Reseller or specific Location, but the Transaction should still be billed to the Customer at the header level.
Ship To Address
The Ship To Address dropdown displays addresses related to the Bill To Customer (which by default is the same Customer listed on the Subscription).
However, if a different Customer has been selected in the Bill To Customer field, then addresses related to the Bill To Customer are displayed instead. If an Entity has been selected in the Ship To Address - Alternate Entity field, then addresses related to both the Customer AND the Alternate Entity are displayed. The address labels are prefixed with ‘Cust’ or ‘Alt’ respectively.
Note: If a Ship To Address is selected, and the corresponding Bill To Customer or Ship To Address - Alternate Entity field value is cleared, the Ship To Address field will also be cleared and only the relevant Ship To Address options displayed in the dropdown.
The selected address displays as the Shipping Address on the Transaction.
Subscription Item-Level Preferences
Ship To Address - Alternate Entity
You can optionally select an Alternate Entity for sending the Invoice. A common use case might be if you want the Bill To Entity (Customer on the Transaction) to remain the same but the Shipping Address should be from an End User address book.
Ship To Address (Line Override)
The Ship To Address (Line Override) dropdown displays Addresses related to the Customer listed on the Subscription Item by default.
However, if a different Customer has been selected in the Bill To Customer (Line Override) field, then addresses related to the Bill To Customer (Line Override) are displayed instead. If an entity has been selected in the Ship To Address - Alternate Entity field, then addresses related to both the Customer AND the Alternate Entity are displayed. The address labels are prefixed with ‘Cust’ or ‘Alt’ respectively.
Note: if a Ship To Address (Line Override) is selected, and the corresponding Bill To Customer (Line Override) or Ship To Address - Alternate Entity field value is cleared, the Ship To Address (Line Override) field will also be cleared and only the relevant Ship To Address options are displayed in the dropdown.
The selected address displays as the Shipping Address on the Transaction.