Locking a Revenue Configuration protects an environment from unintentional changes that can have a financial impact.
Once the Revenue Configuration has been successfully tested, it should be 'Locked', after which a banner appears at the top of the page:
"This Revenue Configuration is locked. Changes to a Revenue Configuration that is in use may cause financial impact."
No changes can be made without unlocking the record, at which point the user must confirm they want to unlock it and acknowledge the financial risk.
Making changes to an existing Revenue Configuration that is applied to Subscriptions may cause unintended revenue updates. It is not recommended to update an active Revenue Configuration, but rather to create a new Revenue Configuration with the new changes, and apply that to records moving forward.
If changes are made that impact the summary results of the existing Charges, Revenue Details may be updated or inactivated and re-created. Refer to these articles to understand the impact of adding a Revenue Configuration Grouping or changes to Existing Groupings.