The option to consolidate transactions is available on the Subscription record Preferences subtab. When “Consolidate Billing” is checked, all Charges that fall on the same Bill Date (across Subscriptions) are consolidated into one Sales Order or Invoice for the shared Bill to Customer.
Key Characteristics
- Consolidation allows you to group Charges across multiple Subscriptions for the same Bill To Customer
- If "Consolidate Billing" has been selected, you can optionally specify an additional Consolidation Group to further refine how transactions are to be grouped together from the consolidated population
Consolidate Billing Checkbox
Checking this box will automatically consolidate transactions for the same Bill To Customer when the Bill Date, Currency, Subsidiary, Bill To Address, and Ship To Address (Header) match. The only exceptions are if you have a Billing Profile that includes "Separate" criteria or you have selected a Consolidation Group on the Subscription.
Consolidation Groups
If transactions have the same Bill To Customer, Currency, Subsidiary, Billing Profile, etc., then the Consolidation Groups field can be used to split the population into multiple groups. Consolidation Groups are optional, and only may be used when Consolidation Billing is enabled.
To leverage this feature, Subscriptions must be Consolidated under their shared Bill To Customer. Subscriptions are then Separated by their assigned Consolidation Group.
- Groups are designed to be generic (shared across population of Subscriptions/Accounts) but may be limited to specific Customers if desired.
- Consolidation Groups may be used to create batches in your consolidation (e.g. Department or Location) which is helpful for organizing Charges across different lines of business.
Example without using Consolidated Billing:
A Customer has two Subscriptions. Charges on both Subscriptions fall on the same Bill Date.
1. Subscriptions
2. Subscriptions are displayed as two separate transactions even though they share the same Bill to Customer.
3. Outcome- Transactions are placed on two separate Sales Orders even though they share the same Bill To Customer for charges that occurred in the same period.
First Sales Order
Second Sales Order
Example with Consolidate Billing:
1. Enable Consolidated Billing on each Subscription.
2. On the Create Transactions Suitelet, transactions with a Bill Date of 8/01/2021 are Consolidated for the Bill To Customer
3. Outcome: Transactions on Subscriptions 'Teller Systems Database Headquarters' and 'Teller System License Region East' are combined and placed on the same Sales Order because Consolidate Billing has been enabled.
Example with Consolidate Billing and Consolidation Groups Enabled:
A Customer has three Subscriptions. Charges on all three Subscriptions fall on the same Bill Date. The Customer would like to consolidate billing by Subscription Consolidation Groups.
1. Consolidate Billing is enabled across all three Subscriptions. Two of the Subscriptions share the Consolidation Group 'Branch' and the third has the Consolidation Group 'Systems'.
2. On the Create Transactions Suitelet, the Subscriptions that share the same Consolidation Groups are combined to display as a single Transaction line. The third Subscription displays on its own line.
3. Outcome: Two Sales Orders are created. The first Sales Order displays Charges from two different Subscriptions (Branch). The Second Sales Order capture the third Subscription which has a different Consolidation Group (Systems).
4. Sales Order Outcome