New Features/Improvements (1)
Enhancement to Subscription Cancellation Functionality
This enhancement to the Subscription Cancellation functionality allows previously ‘Cancelled’ Subscriptions to be reverted to a pre-'Cancelled' status. Subscriptions may be re-opened by clearing the Subscription ‘Status’ field, after which new Subscription Items can be added. When a Cancelled Subscription is reverted, the Original End Date and Cancellation Date fields are cleared, and the End Date may be manually updated as needed. Any previously cancelled Subscription Items remain in a ‘Cancelled’ status and are not updated.
Product Maintenance & Fixes (7)
Issue in Terminate and Replace Functionality
Resolves an issue when using the Terminate and Replace functionality and editing the ‘Replacement’ Subscription Item, which in niche scenarios, prevented the save of the record.
Issue Loading Managed Display Suitelet
Resolves an issue occurring when leveraging ZAB Managed Display in an account with a very large number of custom fields. This fix optimizes ZAB Managed Display functionality to more efficiently return data, allowing the Managed Display Suitelet to load successfully in all environments.
Issue Cancelling a Subscription with Terminated Subscription Items
Resolves an issue occurring in niche scenarios when using ZAB Terminate and Replace functionality in conjunction with Cancellation. Previously, an error occurred if a Subscription containing one or more Terminated Subscription Items was Cancelled. This ensures the compatibility of the Cancellation and Terminate and Replace features.
Non-Impacting Error When Leveraging Cancellation Functionality
Eliminates extraneous errors when attempting to Cancel a Subscription containing one or more Subscription Item(s) with a Prepaid Rate Type. These errors were duplicative, and thus removed.
'Actual Bill Date' Not Cleared on Charges Generated by Cancellation or Termination
Resolves an issue occurring when leveraging Cancellation or Terminate and Replace functionality where the ‘Bill Date - Actual’ field was not cleared upon generation of the new ‘One-Time’ Charge (created to offset Charges billed beyond the Cancellation/Termination Date). This did not prevent the Charge from being rebilled (at which point the ‘Bill Date - Actual’ was updated), and this change does not impact Create Transactions logic.
Issue Evaluating 'Adjustment Only' Accounting Books in ZAB Revenue
Resolves an issue occurring in the Update Revenue Details process when leveraging ‘Adjustment Only’ Accounting Books. Previously, ZAB Revenue Details were created for each Accounting Book, including Adjustment books. This fix ensures that Revenue Details are not created for ‘Adjustment Only’ Accounting Books.
Issue Evaluating Fixed Rate Per Tier Price Book with Shared Pricing Type
Resolves an issue occurring when leveraging Included Units in conjunction with a ‘Fixed Rate Per Tier’ Price Book and utilizing a Pricing Type Calculation of ‘Shared’. Previously, when utilizing this combination of settings, an additional Charge was generated for the included units. This fix ensures that included units are evaluated and applied appropriately.