Q: When might I need to use Tier Achievement?
A: Common uses for needing to use Tier Achievement include:
Billing a child customer for the quantity they used but rate is based on total quantity for ALL Child Customers
Volume pricing based on usage of different types
Q: I set up a Tier Achievement Search that groups by Subscription, but the Rate being returned is only based on the Quantity on one Subscription Item.
A: One common place to check is to confirm that your Usage Data is tied to both your Subscription (assuming the Tier Achievement Search is filtered by Subscription) and Subscription Item (assuming the Quantity Search is filtered by Subscription Item) .
Q: How do Included Units work with Tier Achievement?
A: Included Units are subtracted from the Quantity mapped in the Rate Plan Search Map after the Tier Achievement Search runs and evaluates the Price Book to find the correct Pricing Tier. The Included Units do not impact the Pricing Tier the Quantity falls into. After the Tier Achievement Search runs, the mapped Quantity minus the Included Units is the Quantity that is mapped to the Charge record and multiplied by the Rate (found from the Pricing Tier) to determine the Charge Amount.
For Example: A Linear Price Book is created with the following Pricing Tiers
Pricing Tier Lower Limit | Linear Tier Rate |
0 | $300 |
20 | $250 |
40 | $200 |
1. A Subscription is set up for Blue Pumpkin Company, with one Subscription Item set up for each License Type they provision.
2. Each Subscription Item has 5 Included Units.
3. Each Subscription Item uses the Tier Achievement Rate Plan, which uses the Pricing Type Calculation of “Individual”.
- The Quantity Search is filtered by Subscription Item, and the Tier Achievement Search is filtered by Subscription.
4. When the Subscription is rated, the Quantity Search runs and finds the following Quantities for each Subscription Item in month 1:
- Subscription Item A: Quantity 10
- Subscription Item B: Quantity 45
5. The Tier Achievement Search then runs, and groups the Quantities for the two Subscription Items (because it is filtered by Subscription and both are under the same Subscription).
6. The Tier Achievement Search finds a total Quantity of 55.
7. The Quantity of 55 is evaluated against the Price Book, which lands in the third Pricing Tier, which means each unit will be priced at $200.
8. The Included Units are subtracted from the Subscription Item’s Quantity after the Total Quantity is evaluated against the Pricing Tier of the Price Book.
- Subscription Item A: 10 (Quantity) - 5 (Included Units)
- Subscription Item B: 45 (Quantity) - 5 (Included Units)
9. The Quantity displayed on the Charge is the Quantity - Included Units * the Rate found from the Price Book (in this case $6/unit).