Q: How is Count Usage Data different from Consumption Usage Data?
A: Consumption Usage Data are only rated for the Charge Period they fall in and must be imported each Period.
Count Usage Data are rated each Charge Period they are effective in and only need to be updated when a change occurs, like Quantity or End Date.
Q: An Overage/Usage Rate is entered on the Subscription Item, but a Rate is also mapped in the Rate Plan Search Map. Which Rate will be mapped to the Charges?
A: A Rate mapped in the Rate Plan Search Map (from a column in the Saved Search) will supersede the Overage/Usage Rate on the Subscription Item and will be used to calculate the Charge Amount.
Q: If both Rate and Amount are mapped in the Rate Plan Search Map, how will the Rate and Amount be calculated on the Charges?
A: The Rate from the Rate Plan Search Map will be mapped to the Rate field on the Charge. The Amount from the Rate Plan Search Map will be mapped to the Amount field on the Charge.
Thus, the usual formula used on Charges of Quantity * Rate = Amount will not be applied - the Amount is ‘hard-coded’ and will be displayed regardless of the results of that formula.
Q: A Charge Item Map on the Subscription Item leverages a different Overage/Usage Charge Item than the Subscription Item. An Item is also mapped in the Rate Plan Search Map. Which Item will be mapped to the Charges?
A: The Item specified in the Overage/Usage Charge Item Map field will be used on the Charge Item. If no Charge Item Map is used, the Item from the Rate Plan Search Map would override the Item on the Subscription Item.